• Backup ALL your documents and music
    Share your files with colleagues at all times from everywhere

  • Collaborate with individuals and groups
    Unlimited File Versioning for your collaboration
    Access your documents SECURELY

  • Work on Unlimited Projects with colleagues

    Comprehensive Audit Trail for your Business Needs and Compliance

    A true Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Tool

  • Document Management that knows you mean Real Business

    Track all ulpoads and all downloads by user, date, time and location

    UNLIMITED multiple versions of your backups

Collaboration and On-Line storage with Real Time Business.

Document Management Simplied BUT......SECURE


Real Time Collaboration on Documents and Projects

April 8th

You will get to grips with SQL (Structured Query Language) within 3 Hours. Learn the basics of SQL, run complex queries and delve into the realms of managing a server in a live environment. Create databases and tables. Alter tables. Grant and revoke permissions. Learn to manage the MySQL server and fine tune it. Knowledge is power and you will turbo-charge your career prospects as a Database administrator or developer.

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dspyder.uk template image news

Uploading your documents

April 17th

You can upload your documents from any platform, be it desktop, laptop, tablet or your mobile.

You can control and limit the size and type of documents that you want uploaded by your colleagues or yourself.

File versioning is will allow unlimited versions of the same documents to be uploaded and identified regarding who did the upload, where, when, date, time and also location. Document Accountability is a sine qua non (not negotiable).

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snowflake template image news

Search and Analysis super fast

March 17

Super fast retrieval of your documents due to the indexing engine. You can track documents via a variety of search parameters.

Document versioning takes your documents analysis to a new level.

Versioning will enable work analysis and collaboration across projects. Work related tasks can be analysed in seconds.

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Our Courses

Who the courses are designed for and what you need before paying

MySQL - Can I really learn this quickly

Yes you can learn the basics very quickly and more.

It would help to have a working knowledge of computers, we do not want to explain what a folder is or a database in the first hour.

Easy to follow and real world understanding.

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HTML5 & CSS3 in two days..??

Built with modern technologies like HTML5 and CSS3, SEO optimised

Learn the fundamentals of HTML and CSS.

Lessons are Project based and you will run through exercises with end results

Easy to follow and real world understanding.

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who can Benefit From these Courses - Career Kickstarter

IT students that actually want to forge a career in software development

Those who want to kick start their career in software development

Applied for jobs and gone for interview and have failed again and again, you will be able to change your prospects in a matter of days

Youth Corpers who want to move into software development

Those who want to change their career to one in software development

Those in IT that want to enhance their career prospects and also want to move up

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Unix, Linux and Security

Prior knowldege of basic console commands in Windows will be useful

Assumption is that you are totally knew to the Linux/Freebsd OSes

Learn about the services in this environment

Learn about the file system and popular console commnads for Linux

Learn about the apache webserver, Mysql and PHP basics

Learn about the firewalls and logging mechanims

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Prosperity makes friends,
adversity tries them.
- Anonymous

About us

We are a team of developers, management consultants and ethical hackers.


Strengthen your Infrastructure, now!

As you develop your organisation you will increasingly operate in the cloud.Office and internet comunications will be interchangeable. We will provide the essentials of cloud computing for you, either a public cloud, private cloud or hybrid. We will ensure that all your communications are encrypted. We will provide SMTP and Anti-Spam gateways for your organisation leaving you to maximise your resources and energies on your core business functions.

We wil provide enterprise cloud cloud storage facilities at competitive prices. We can provide up to 50 terabytes per organisation with VPN tunnels to maximise security. Any sites we host for you will come with a dedicated IP address and also an SSL certificate.

All the Cloud Services for you here!

Please talk to us about your Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity options and we will provide you with additional resilience options.

How good is our Infrastructure ....?

We have been around for over 15 years and know exactly what it takes to maintain secure and resilient servers on the internet. No third party servers here. We maintain our own DNS servers, SMTP servers and Database and Hosting servers. Daily backups and hosting on two phsically separate sites show that we take location and server redundancy as a SINE QUA NON(non negotiable).

Our Courses

Serious about Progress! Learn from those who actually are delivering services in development and Networks. Check Here

Learn HTML+CSS+JQuery in 2 Days

30,000Crash course

  • The Basics
  • The Head
  • The Body
  • Creating Forms, learn about variables
  • Lists, Tables, Images
  • Grap the fundamentals of CSS
  • Grap the fundamentals of JQuery
  • Learn CSS3 and HTML5 basics
  • Access to a live MySQL and PHP server for Practice for two weeks after your course

Sign up

Learn PHP+MYySQL in 2 Day

30,000 Crash Course

  • PHP Basics
  • Variables
  • Flow Control
  • Functions, Arrays, Strings
  • Forms, Dates and PHP data manipulation powers
  • Manage databases and tables.Create tables, alter tables, drop tables, grant and revoke permissions
  • Create MySQL backups,modify MySQL's configurations etc
  • Sessions and the Ninja World
  • Access to a live MySQL and PHP server for Practice for two weeks after your course

Sign up

PHP+MySQL+JQuery+Security in 2 Days

40,000Crash Course

  • MySQL Primer and hands on sessions
  • PHP primers and hands on sessions
  • JQuery primers and hands on sessions
  • Manage databases and tables.Create tables, alter tables, drop tables, grant and revoke permissions
  • Firewalls, DNS and SMTP primers and hands on sessions
  • Security primers and hands on sessions
  • Q+A session to ROUND UP
  • Access to a live MySQL and PHP server for Practice for two weeks after your course

Sign up

PHP+MySQL+Linux in 2 Days

30,000Crash Course

  • Linux and FreeBSD hot SESSION
  • MySQL primer and hands on sessions
  • PHP primer and hands on session
  • Firewall, DNS and SMTP primers
  • Apache Primers and hands on session
  • Manage databases and tables.Create tables, alter tables, drop tables, grant and revoke permissions
  • Q+A session to ROUND UP
  • Access to a live MySQL and PHP server for Practice for two weeks after your course

Sign up

Try out our Document Spyder platform,
make everywhere your office

Our Work

Latest cool projects we've been working on

Perimeter Security from our team

With a cluster of servers maintained over the past sixteen years DSpyder has the resources and experience to provide any internet based solution in terms of service delivery. We can discuss with your organisation how best to reduce your operational risk and increase your efficiency and producivity in your network and applications environment. Drop us a line at info@dspyder.uk
→ read more → Storage Architecture

Management Consultancy from our team

We provide assessment reports on the health of your network and application environment. Prod a bit into your Internal Controls and provide an assessment of what we conclude your orgnisation might require to reduce its operational risk exposure. We do not know everything but we have been around a long time and have enough experience to bring additional value. In terms of network exposure we do have a proven track record of value added strategies. Just drop us a line info@dspyder.uk.
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Software As A Service

We are a cloud services provider because we truly understand the internet. We have a Document Management solution that provides a diverse platform for any organisation that is seeking to maximise the array of opportunities that cloud services offer. With our Document Spyder you are able to utilise a high send document management solution with project collaboration in one application suite. Try it out.Drop us a line at info@dspyder.uk
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Nifty Security Issues to Address

Learn how to defend your network and be proactive in tracking down intruders. Get creative with defensive programming skills.
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Taking on the Hackers

They prey on your vulnerabilities and continously probe your defenses either with port scanners or scripts to flood your networks with incessant requests. We will access your networks for you and provide your organisations with lists of IP addresses that are known for launching these attacks. You can subscribe to our defense forms by contacting us at info@dspyder.uk.
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Programming your way forward

Take one of our crash courses in PHP, MYSQL, CSS and HTML and kickstart your career in top flight development. Learn the fundamentals and begin to churn robust applications within weeks. Undertsand session management within a matter of hours...seize the moment
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Managing your data securely

We are custodians of data and creators of secure data channels to manage your data securely. We can provide your organisation with dedicated servers to manage your data via encrypted tunnels.
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Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity

Disaster Recovery planning is a strategic decision for any organisation. The planning and the continuity of it is not an option. Many ogranisations do plan for it but hardly any provide for reviews, the review process is important in that the original process could well be outdated in terms of the actual strategy and then the execution when it could be required. We will consult for your organisation and construct a DRP that will evolve with your organisation as it changes.
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Analysing your data

We develop solutions that are scalable and flexible and secure. Central to our applications are two themes, comprehensive audit trail and secure hosting.Our solutions are delivered as On-Demand products i.e. Software As A Service offerings. We remove the requirements for you to manage servers or security and deliver our solutions as turnkey offerings..JUST LOGON
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Fall seven times, stand up eight.
Japanese Proverb

Meet our team

We are beautiful and smart

Keep in touch with us

Contact us


Development Spyder
4 Babatunde Jose Road
Victoria Island, Lagos


+234 703 408 4080
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